28 dicembre 2019
End of the Year Book Tag | 2019 (ita) - Bookish Talk #5
Ed eccoci qua, pronti per un altro appuntamento (strano, vero?) in chiusura d'anno. Per questo ultimo post del 2019 ho pensato di portarvi il book tag della fine dell'anno, così da poter fare assieme a voi il bilancio di questo fruttuoso 2019.

25 dicembre 2019
Un salto nel folklore Russo - Book Review #11
Avete presente gli inverni freddi, dove le città vengono sommerse dalla neve e le persone si ritrovano accoccolate sul divano con una coperta addosso, una cioccolata calda tra le mani e un film di Natale a fare da sottofondo? Magari con un camino acceso, che male non fa.
Ecco, io no.
Dove vivo io c'è il sole, l'aria è frizzantina e sembra il primo giorno d'estate. Quindi mettetevi comodi che per entrare in mood invernale oggi vi parlo di Kathrine Arden e della sua splendida trilogia.

Ecco, io no.
Dove vivo io c'è il sole, l'aria è frizzantina e sembra il primo giorno d'estate. Quindi mettetevi comodi che per entrare in mood invernale oggi vi parlo di Kathrine Arden e della sua splendida trilogia.

10 settembre 2019
The Ten Thousand Doors of January | NetGalley Review #3
They say that every story opens a Door and I guess this is my one. Or your one, if you prefer.

03 settembre 2019
Lie with me | NetGalley Review #2
Never have I ever thought that I would fall in love with another French author after Mathias Malzieu, but I did. Philippe Besson managed to steal my heart with the first novel by him I’ve ever read.
[caption id="attachment_773" align="aligncenter" width="316"]
"I told myself that you understood. It was love, of course. And tomorrow, there will be a great emptiness."[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_773" align="aligncenter" width="316"]

07 agosto 2019
We Are Lost and Found | NetGalley Review #1
Hello, and welcome to another very ambitious bookish project of mine.
Sit comfortably and get some popcorn because today we’re going to talk about NetGalley and what it means to be both lost and found.
[caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="235"]
Out on the 3rd of September 2019[/caption]
Sit comfortably and get some popcorn because today we’re going to talk about NetGalley and what it means to be both lost and found.
[caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="235"]

12 luglio 2019
Alice from Wonderland - Book Review #10
Per festeggiare il primo pugno di recensioni più o meno professionali che sono approdate su questo blog, ho scelto il libro di un'autrice italiana molto gettonata e la sua Alice, che viene da Wonderland e che ancora una volta ha bisogno di ritrovare se stessa.

30 giugno 2019
Bilancio delle letture di metà anno - Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2019
Ebbene sì, Luglio è alle porte e noi dobbiamo parlare di libri ancora una volta. Mettetevi pure comodi, perché è giunto il momento di fare un bilancio e di spill some tea riguardo le letture di questa prima parte del 2019.

07 giugno 2019
The seventh son - Book Review #9
I actually wasn't thinking about writing another review at least for another couple of centuries, but Beverley hit the bookish world again and how can I not vent about her brand new short story?

31 maggio 2019
Tra macchine troppo umane e assassini a sangue freddo - Bookish Talk #3
Oggi andiamo alla scoperta di Tim Floreen e dei suoi due romanzi, piccole perle che mischiano Sci-Fi a LGBTIQ+ e che nessun amante del genere dovrebbe perdersi. Perciò mettetevi comodi e seguitemi in questo viaggio alla scoperta di uno scrittore geniale che merita la vostra attenzione.

24 maggio 2019
The writer's voice - Beverley's perfection
There’s a lot of behind the scenes when it comes to write a book and when said book gets published. So much that is left unsaid but that somehow it was fundamental for the making of the stories that reach the readers.
Nothing is perfect, as I mentioned in the first post I dedicated to this interview; world knows no such thing. Somebody’s creature is perfect only when the creator’s instinct says it is, and we all know how hard is it for a writer to get to that point. Inevitably, once we re-read our children (our books) there’s always something missing, something that could’ve been done better, something that is just not how we wanted it to be.
And I asked Beverley about it, of course, because I’m a curious little bug, as Gabriel and Moth are. Can you really hold it against me?
Nothing is perfect, as I mentioned in the first post I dedicated to this interview; world knows no such thing. Somebody’s creature is perfect only when the creator’s instinct says it is, and we all know how hard is it for a writer to get to that point. Inevitably, once we re-read our children (our books) there’s always something missing, something that could’ve been done better, something that is just not how we wanted it to be.
And I asked Beverley about it, of course, because I’m a curious little bug, as Gabriel and Moth are. Can you really hold it against me?
10 maggio 2019
Topics, characters and Villains - Beverley's world in details
Hello, welcome back again in this little corner of mine.
If you’re here it means you actually have read and enjoyed the previous post, where my interview with Beverley started, and you’re curious to know more—Or so I hope.
What I have to offer today, is her cast of characters and a little bit more details about the topics she deals with in the trilogy, but specifically related to each and every characters she gave birth to, so this second part will be fairly spoilery. If you didn't read the trilogy yet, please go and get the books, read them and come back. If you did read it, feel free to fangirl over it and have a look in this article, so that you can get to know little secrets and curiosities about it.
[caption id="attachment_697" align="alignleft" width="210"]
By: Rafael Martin C.[/caption]
While you’re making up some pretty unbelievable excuses for why you didn't pick up the Gabriel Davenport Series yet, let’s spill some tea over our boys together with Beverley.
If you’re here it means you actually have read and enjoyed the previous post, where my interview with Beverley started, and you’re curious to know more—Or so I hope.
What I have to offer today, is her cast of characters and a little bit more details about the topics she deals with in the trilogy, but specifically related to each and every characters she gave birth to, so this second part will be fairly spoilery. If you didn't read the trilogy yet, please go and get the books, read them and come back. If you did read it, feel free to fangirl over it and have a look in this article, so that you can get to know little secrets and curiosities about it.
[caption id="attachment_697" align="alignleft" width="210"]

While you’re making up some pretty unbelievable excuses for why you didn't pick up the Gabriel Davenport Series yet, let’s spill some tea over our boys together with Beverley.
28 aprile 2019
The actual making of the Gabriel Davenport Series - Part 1
There’s this weird obsession according to which being a blogger of any kind means that every post should be perfect and programmed to details; an obsession I feel like I somehow made mine, without thinking about the fact that it’s not like me at all looking for perfection in what I do just in order to look professional or like someone who’s got their shit together.
[caption id="attachment_696" align="alignleft" width="204"]
By: Rafael Martin C.[/caption]
That’s why this post took ages to get here; I had to make my brain stop thinking about how I could make this next bunch of posts perfect for you, dear readers. Luckily I realized that it’s not like me at all aiming to something immaculate that conforms to the mass.
That’s not what you’ll find here – perfection, I mean. Far from that.
[caption id="attachment_696" align="alignleft" width="204"]

That’s why this post took ages to get here; I had to make my brain stop thinking about how I could make this next bunch of posts perfect for you, dear readers. Luckily I realized that it’s not like me at all aiming to something immaculate that conforms to the mass.
That’s not what you’ll find here – perfection, I mean. Far from that.
03 febbraio 2019
When blood calls to blood, a Gabriel Davenport series - Book Review #8
So these next few articles will be in English, so if you're not familiar with the language I'm sorry; I'll do my best to make this comfortable for everyone somehow. In the meantime, let's talk about Vampires meeting Witchcraft and the Gabriel Davenport series, which books were my favorite of 2018.
[caption id="attachment_684" align="aligncenter" width="480"]
The Gabriel Davenport Series, by Beverley Lee[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_684" align="aligncenter" width="480"]

18 gennaio 2019
Serie concluse nel 2018 - Bookish Talk #2
In questa fredda giornata inglese, facciamo un salto in un passato non così lontano e andiamo a scoprire che serie librose avrà mai concluso Sam nel 2018.
Perché Sam ne ha concluse alcune, anche se non sembra.
Non ci credete? Nemmeno Sam, tranquilli.

Perché Sam ne ha concluse alcune, anche se non sembra.
Non ci credete? Nemmeno Sam, tranquilli.

14 gennaio 2019
Top e Flop 2018 - Bookish Talk #1
Con il concludersi delle feste natalizie, del vecchio anno e con l'inizio del nuovo, oggi vi racconto delle mie letture migliori e di quelle peggiori del 2018, che ha portato con sé tante emozioni e piccole perle, così come piccole cose che mi hanno lasciata perplessa e assieme disappointed.

05 gennaio 2019
Se nessuno parla di cose meravigliose - Book Review #7
I libri che parlano di piccole cose e di quanto siano speciali, di quanto facile sia dimenticarle nonostante il segno che lasciano nella vita delle persone esistono, e ora ne parleremo insieme.

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