Sit comfortably, my dear reader. We're going to have a chat about a girl named Natalie McAllister who summons Satan when she gets her period.

It's been ages since the last time I had to ask for permission to another author to publish their contents in my little corner of the world, and I honestly thought I was going to fail badly. It went well, I have to say, so before we start let me just thank Orangeplum again for agreeing to this post. All the pictures you will see here belong to her, so does the story I'll talk about in a minute.
In case you were interested, you can find her here on Tapas and her comic at this link. I just recently found out that there's a more in depth version of the comic but I didn't have the time to read it yet. In case you were not a comic kind of person -
Personally, I'd recommend you to read the comic version, because her art is spectacular and her characters are so expressive it's hilarious and painful at the same time. I love the way she draws them all and how clear their voices sound in my head. It gives the story that little bit extra that it deserves and that helps to make the magic work.
Let's put the fangirling on the side for a little while, though and let's talk about what this comic is about instead.
As I said at the beginning, we follow Natalie McAllister who by mistake summons Satan while she's on her period. Whilst he is bound to do the bidding of a bubbly high school teenager there's someone out there who is not happy with how things are going and this is pretty much what this story is about.
I don't really want to tell you anything more than this because it's good to go into this comic mostly blindly because it's good to find things out page after page.

It's surprising and stunning. It's the perfect balance between fun and angst and I love how deep it really is. It explore many difficult topics, like friendship, family, religion too, even if I have to say that the author has her own special way of doing it. It never gets offensive and it's perfectly readable by everyone. It explores love, the way it changes according to the people you direct it to, the way it's born and how it grows and changes. It talks about growing up, losing people you love, finding new ones and deciding who to trust.
My favorite part it's definitely when we get to know Satan and his background.

I love to see how past affected his present and how much he's changed and still is changing thanks to Natalie and her friends. I love to see how powerful their way of communicating with each other is, how meaningful and important their relationships and bonds are.
Festus is definitely my favorite character besides Satan. I can relate on pretty much every single level and he's the one who made me cry a little the very first time and had my heart all the time ever since. I can't explain to you how much I can feel his feelings, how much I can understand how he feels when he has to deal with the whole world. It was a surprise and it made my heart ache badly page after page, but still he's on the first step of the podium together with Satan himself.

I am Festus, just in female version. It didn't take me long to understand it ahah.
Michael is on the podium too, but even if it was the second one to make me cry, but closer to the last chapter the author updated on Tapas, but I can't say why because... Well, spoilers, he still is on the last step.
I am still debating who gets the second step of the podium and I will let you know when I have finally found my mental peace.
My favorite dynamic will always be the one between Michael and Satan and it's just so heartbreaking I still can't decide which side to take, ahah.
Let me tell you, guys: Orangeplum is an amazing author and her story hits you deep. You can't not empathize with at least one of the characters. It's impossible to get bored. Once you start reading, you wish the comic was never-ending because it's just so precious you can never get enough of it.
As I already said, it's funny, irreverent, but also deep and deals with many topics with such a maturity it somehow gives clarity about what goes on in the reader's life.
I love comics and I love to read good ones. This is one of them and I am so grateful I found it. So please, if you have Tapas go and show her some support. If you don't have it, download the app, register, look her comic up and show her the support she deserves.
I'm getting good at shortening reviews, am I not?
I could be more chatty and write a whole essay about the reasons why you should read it, why I love it so much, but Satan and Me is a discovery.
Yeah, let's say it's a self-discovery journey you need to do on your own for the most part. The other part that's left it's just the plain reading for fun kind of thing. If you're like me, the two go together, if not, well... what can I say? The world is such a beauty because we're all different.
In any case, this doesn't change the fact that you all should go and read Satan and Me, laugh a little, cry a little, get mad a little because Zadkiel is a very well written character, but my darling you can't imagine how many times I would hit them with a frying pan.
So let me know if you did, I would like to know what you thought about it. Before I go, I will link here Orangeplum's Instagram account as well, in case you were curious and wanted to see more art related to the comic.
I shall see you in my next post, then. As usual, a big kiss for you and stay home. Stay safe. Read this comic.
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